Looking Ahead

Looking ahead to the New Year we have the following events/projects planned and several Holidays to mention:

January 9th-All third graders will be taking a field trip to the JJ Wentworth Museum on Wednesday, January 9th.  The students will travel by bus, departing school grounds at 9:30 am and returning to school at 11:45 am.  Children will return to school in time for lunch so no bagged lunch is necessary.  Permission slips will be sent home with children on December 16th and must be signed and returned by January 7th in order for the student to participate.  PLEASE SEND YOUR CHILD TO SCHOOL IN HIS/HER CLASS T-SHIRT ON JANUARY 9!  THIS IS A GREAT HELP WHEN TRYING TO KEEP THE CLASSES TOGETHER!

January 11th-  Early release day.  Children are dismissed at 11:15 am.

January 21st-NO SCHOOL-Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday

January 28th-Report cards go home